A FIDE Seminar for International Organizers was held on 6-8 February 2014, Moscow, Russia.
This seminar was organized during the Moscow Chess Open by the FIDE Events’ Commission (EVE), the Russian State Social University (RSSU) and the Moscow Chess Federation with the support of the Russian Chess Federation.
The main lecturer was IO Alexander Kostyev. 13 participants from Russia, Georgia, Kazakhstan and Greece achieved the ‘seminar norm’.
Udalkin Ruslan Russia
Arsenidze Alexandre Georgia
Zeytunyan Raphael Russia
Luzhnetsky Yury Russia
Slivnev Viktor Russia
Lapekhin Alexander Russia
Shapiro Yury Russia
Stepanov Andrey Russia
Tryufilkina Elena Russia
Skurygin Anton Kazakhstan
Zlochevskiy Alexsandr Russia
Pimenidis Stefanos Greece
Chaplinskiy Sergey Russia