
2015 US Junior Closed Championship LIVE!

The U.S. top young chess players are back in Saint Louis, the nation’s Chess Capital, this summer as the Chess Club and Scholastic Center of Saint Louis (CCSCSL) will again host the U.S. Junior Closed Championship from July 7-15, 2015.

IM Jeffery Xiong (2606), IM Akshat Chandra (2589), FM Michael Bodek (2527), IM Luke Harmon-Vellotti (2526), FM Ruifeng Li (2502), IM Yian Liou (2501), FM Arthur Shen (2477), NM Mika Brattain (2457), FM Awonder Liang (2428) and NM Curran Han (2211) will be vying in a 9-round round-robin format.

Tournament websiteStandings and statistics