
FIDE Treasurer’s report on Tromso 2014 inspection

Official FIDE logo1. The Organisers confirm that there is sufficient room for the players, team captains, delegates, commission members, coaches and congress participants. They cannot guarantee that they can find room for all accompanying persons. They are using extra hotels and rooms in hotels that have not been seen by FIDE. They will also be using a boat. FIDE have insisted that the Organisers ensure that the players come first regarding accommodation.

2. The Organisers are aware that there are problems regarding closet and hanging space in several hotels and are trying to address the situation, but no solution has yet been found.

3. The Organisers are negotiating to find a solution regarding laundry costs with the two companies providing such a service in Tromso and the hotels.

4. The Organisers are not willing to purchase the 50×50 tables that the Chief Arbiter needs for the Match Arbiters, despite the Tournament Director agreeing that they are needed.

5. The Organisers are doubling the capacity of the lights but are not sure if this will reach the required minimum of 800 lumen.

6. FIDE still does not accept the €100 charge for Transportation that the Organisers did not include in their initial bid. The Organisers claim it is necessary because of there being more teams than expected.

FIDE website

Read also the letter of FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov to Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg in regard to visas problem.