The 2nd Jaen Chess Festival 2014 was held from 28th June to 2nd July, 2014 in the Andalusian city of Jaen, Spain, known as The World Capital of Olive Oil.
The event was a 9-round Swiss with a total of 64 players from 5 different countries, including 4 GMs, 7 IMs and 3 FMs.
The top seeded GM Aleksander Delchev (Bulgaria) took the winner’s trophy after closing the competition with 8/9 points.
The convincing winner continues his amazing string of successful performances after claiming the 5th International Chess Festival Forni di Sopra 2014 and sharing first place at the Llucmajor Open 2014.
FM Jaime Santos Latasa (Spain) remained second with 7,5/9 points, half a point ahead of the bronze medalist IM Lawrence Trent (England).
Official website/ Replay the games with analysis
Final standings:
1 GM Delchev Aleksander BUL 2638 8
2 FM Santos Latasa Jaime ESP 2449 7,5
3 IM Trent Lawremce ENG 2469 7
4 IM Gamundi Salamanca Antonio ESP 2443 6,5
5 IM Granero Roca Antonio ESP 2432 6
6 IM Gonzalez De La Torre Santiago ESP 2464 6
7 IM Franco Alonso Alejandro ESP 2479 6
8 IM Marholev Dimitar BUL 2349 6
9 GM Suba Mihai ROU 2372 6
10 Fernandez De Bobadilla Gabriel ESP 2189 6
11 GM Komljenovic Davorin CRO 2405 5,5
12 FM Gavilan Diaz Mario ESP 2307 5,5
13 Gonzalez Garcia Francisco ESP 1907 5,5
14 Mercado Larrea Adrian ESP 1983 5,5
15 Puertas Martin Savins ESP 2112 5,5
16 IM Espinosa Aranda Angel ESP 2388 5
17 Redondo Benavente Jose Carlos ESP 1931 5
18 Cano Padilla Ruben Jesus ESP 2025 5
19 CM Fernandez De Bobadilla Jaime ESP 2138 5
20 Fernandez Garcia Francisco Jose ESP 1904 5
21 Hernandez Perez Juan Carlos ESP 1896 5
22 Castellanos Bogalo Antonio ESP 2029 5
23 Lerma Moreno Juan Manuel ESP 1930 5
24 Henderson De La Fuente Lance ESP 1794 5
25 Carrillo Castillo Jose Luis ESP 1387 5
26 GM Lalic Bogdan CRO 2480 4,5
27 Martos Exposito Manuel ESP 2032 4,5
28 Cobo Montejo Miguel Angel ESP 2007 4,5
29 Meco Benitez Jose Luis ESP 2041 4,5
30 Canedo Aceituno Raul ESP 1668 4,5
31 Barruz Serrano Antonio Angel ESP 1925 4,5
32 Subirats Delhom Juan ESP 1644 4,5
33 Garcia Perez Fernando ESP 0 4,5
34 Catedra Diaz Pedro ESP 1694 4,5
35 Castillo Gallego Sergio ESP 2236 4
36 Segura Cardenete Simon ESP 0 4
37 Carruana Fuentes Rafael ESP 2048 4
38 Henderson De La Fuente Andrea ESP 1599 4
39 Moreno Lerma Manuel ESP 1721 4
40 Redondo Benavente Ana ESP 1706 4
41 Del La Rubia Ramirez Dulce N. ESP 1628 4
42 Olivares Rubio Alvaro ESP 1544 4
43 Ochando Megias Antonio ESP 1560 4
44 Juan Delgado Adrian ESP 1964 3,5
45 Lorite Martin Jose Antonio ESP 1586 3,5
46 Madera Narvaez Bernardino ESP 1882 3,5
47 Real Arenas Isidoro ESP 0 3,5
48 Trigueros Lorca Irene ESP 1438 3,5
49 Fernandez Checa Manuel ESP 0 3,5
50 Moreno Bello Miguel ESP 1615 3,5
51 Barruz Ramirez Antonio Angel ESP 1475 3,5
52 FM Almagro Mazariegos Sebastian ESP 2339 3
53 Pastor Gonzalez Francisco Angel ESP 0 3
54 Vacas Garcia Jose Antonio ESP 0 3
55 Rodriguez Paulano David ESP 0 3
56 Ballesteros Prieto Francisco J. ESP 0 3
57 Hernandez Sevilla Alejandro ESP 0 3
58 Ortega Carrascosa Cristobal ESP 1367 2
59 Real Palomares Isidoro ESP 1611 2
60 Puy Banqueri Rafael ESP 0 2
61 Diaz Luque Francisco ESP 1786 1,5
62 Troya Fernandez David ESP 0 1
63 Troya Fernandez Gonzalo ESP 0 0
64 Madera Sanchez Daniel ESP 0 0